Thursday, May 31, 2007

Later, Sirs.

I must abjectly apologize for not posting lately.

I have been very busily preparing for the Tripartite Basset Commission -- charts, speeches and such.
As you may know, I will be delivering the keynote address (On Basset Noses: The Twenty-First Century and Beyond!). This has been very carefully crafted; I am proud of it. Perhaps I will do an audio post of it when I return.

I have also found out that there is a "Monkey Hill" near where I will be staying. I can only assume that there are plentiful monkeys running around there -- I intend to catch and eat one. I have never eaten monkey before. I think it may taste like sir-flesh.

I will also be attending the grave of Alfred the Puma.
Alfred the Puma lived at the Brandywine Zoo; when he died they kept his area empty with a sign that said "Alfred the Puma is dead." I thought this was sad. And creepy.
I want to dignify Alfred's tomb and honor his life. Maybe I will also pee a little on his tomb.

(I also hear there are otters at the Zoo. They're probably also tasty.)

So, in conclusion, I will be gone for a few weeks. When I come back, I will be a positive fountain of policy -- I intend to use the Tripartite Basset Commission to fully polish and formulate my views on economics, foreign and domestic relations.

Hams, juicy Hams to you and yours, Sirs.

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